

Your life is made of your choices

The universe. Every choice no matter how small, can make an impact. What choices did you make today? Did the choices that you made feel aligned with your true self? Did you feel good about the decisions you made? It may be exhausting, but there are some questions you can ask yourself to stay more… Continue reading Your life is made of your choices


Post-Full Moon Anxiety Release Meditation

How was this past two weeks for you? Trouble sleeping? Weird dreams? Anxiety? Feeling extra tense? This month's full moon was a doozy. Calling for introspection, you'd might have noticed that most things were super heightened and you were in your head a little bit more than normal. There is a short full moon release… Continue reading Post-Full Moon Anxiety Release Meditation


Why you should give a fuck.

Personal empowerment is important. It helps give us value, strength, motivation, self-worth and in many cases, happiness. There is a notion out there that in order to find your own happiness, you should stop caring about other people, situations, problems, your job, your boss, your ex, people who irritate you - the key is apathy.… Continue reading Why you should give a fuck.